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Documents & Literature
Links to Hansen Biological Consulting and other environmental and natural resources documents:
Peer Reviewed Articles
Hansen, E.C., Scherer, R.D. et al.
Relations between Environmental Attributes and Contemporary Occupancy of Threatened Giant Gartersnakes (
Thamnophis gigas
Journal of Herpetology, 51
Wack, R.F., Hansen, E.C., Johnson, C.K., Poppenga, R.
Bacterial Flora of the Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis gigas
) and Valley Garter Snake (
Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi
) in the Central Valley of California
Western Wildlife
Wood, D.A., Halstead, B.J., Casazza, M.L., Hansen, E.C., Wylie, G.D, Vandergast, A.G.
Defining population structure and genetic signatures of decline in the giant gartersnake (
Thamnophis gigas
): implications for conserving threatened species within highly altered landscapes
16: 1025.
Hansen, E.C., Scherer, R.D. et al.
Estimates of Survival Probability from Two Populations of Giant Gartersnakes in California’s Great Central Valley
103(4), 1026-1036.
Wack, R.F., Hansen, E.C., Small, M., Poppenga, R., Bunn, D., Johnson, C.K.
Hematology and Plasma Biochemistry Values for the Giant Garter Snake (Thamnophis gigas) and Valley Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi) in the Central Valley of California
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(2) 307-313
G. Hansen & J. Brode Technical Documents
Hansen, G.E.
Status of the Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis gigas
) in the San Joaquin Valley
Hansen, G.E., Brode, J.M.
Results of Relocating Canal Habitat of Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis gigas
) During the Widening of State Route 99/70 in Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California
Brode, J.M., Hansen, G.E.
Status and Future Management of The Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis gigas
) Within the Southern American Basin, Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California
Hansen, G.E.
Review of the Status of the Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis couchi gigas
) and It’s Supporting Habitat
Hansen, G.E.
Status of the Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis couchi gigas
) in the Southern Sacramento Valley
Species Specific Documents
US Fish and Wildlife Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis gigas
) Final Recovery Plan (2017)
US Fish and Wildlife Giant Garter Snake (
Thamnophis gigas
) 5 Year Review (2006)
: Summary and Evaluation
US Fish and Wildlife California Red-legged Frog (
Rana aurora draytonii
) Recovery Plan
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